Red Eye Ruby releases debut album with Minneapolis show

Bismarck Tribune Staff
Minneapolis band Red Eye Ruby is releasing its debut album, Siren Song, on Nov. 16 at the Hook and Ladder Theater in South Minneapolis, 3010 Minnehaha Ave. The release show also will feature performances from Miss Myra and the Moonshiners, the Gentleman's Anti-Temperance League and Amanda Standalone. Music starts at 7 p.m.
Minneapolis band Red Eye Ruby is releasing its debut album, Siren Song, on Nov. 16 at the Hook and Ladder Theater in South Minneapolis, 3010 Minnehaha Ave. The release show also will feature performances from Miss Myra and the Moonshiners, the Gentleman's Anti-Temperance League and Amanda Standalone. Music starts at 7 p.m.
This first full-length album features original music by Red Eye Ruby, which includes members Liz Collin, formerly of Bismarck, Caitlin Pieper, and Caley Pieper.
The band performs music incorporating themes from old jazz and classical chamber music with a modern edge. The album highlights the mythology of the Sirens from Homer's "The Odyssey." Sirens were women with bird-like qualities whose singing lured men to their untimely deaths.
Red Eye Ruby combines voice, cello and guitar with the alternating sounds of trumpet and piano to create music that is original and pop sensible. Drummer Tom Lyseng and saxophonist Tim Kingstrom joined the group in the studio for the recording of Siren Song. The album was produced by Jarod Hadaway of Last Triumph Records.
A schedule of shows can be found at the band's website,